Digital Lab Notebooks Optimise Today’s Academic System

Technology has come to dominate a large part of our social structure, something that has been reflected in each and every one of our daily habits. In this sense, one of the sectors that is still beginning to implement the new electronic systems is academia. Schools and universities are finally welcoming resources that, in one way or another, have a positive impact on student efficiency. Among all the novelties that are arriving to study centres, electronic lab notebooks are considered one of the best tools on the market. A system that greatly optimises the daily work of students and their ability to work in groups. We tell you all about these software programs!
Why it’s important to have an electronic notebook
With the arrival of the digital era, all the links that make up our society have had to give way to a process of transformation. The academic sector has not been the exception to this, and little by little we can see how innovation is taking over schools. At this point, it is worth stopping to analyse the role of a free electronic lab notebook: a virtual system associated with data management, student organisation and improved collaboration between students. A way to bring technology into the student environment in order to take advantage of the full potential of the current times.
The use of laboratory notebooks, as you can guess from the name itself, is intended for science courses. It doesn’t matter whether we’re talking about secondary school classes or university training: in both cases, these systems are clear allies that allow you to solve all kinds of tasks with the utmost agility. Because science is becoming digital, and it is important that teaching systems are also updated. Thus adapting to the new generations, which have already been born directly with technology in their hands.
The digital notebooks operate directly on the network, hosted in a cloud system that gives the student the possibility to be always connected to their different academic projects. This is especially important in collaborative work, since several students can participate at the same time in the development of the task in question from different locations. It also has an impact on the organisation of the groups, since the tasks are divided for each member of the team and are solved according to an established roadmap.
Finally, it should be noted that not only students benefit from the use of this type of software. Teachers also gain greater control over the progress of their students, ensuring that they know what they are doing at all times. The monitoring of the activity is an essential phase in teaching; since it allows the teacher to evaluate based on reality and correct in real time so that the student learns the appropriate practices at all times. Undoubtedly, a real revolution in the world of science education that should not be overlooked.
Interesting features of the electronic notebooks
To understand why an electronic notebook is an investment of great interest in the academic world, it is best to focus on the functionalities they provide. We have already mentioned that it is an easily accessible virtual system, in which users work in real time to progress diligently in their projects. However, in addition to the collaborative capacity, there are many other resources that will make these programs an essential tool in schools and universities.
One of the most important features is the good integration they present. That is, they are able to synchronise data with LIMS systems, APIs, applications and many other tools of the digital age. This gives the student the possibility of drastically increasing the level of productivity, making what was once a volume of physical information, now pass to be all in the same virtual system. A network ecosystem in which different systems coexist, all of them equally important in the process of developing scientific projects.
In addition to the seamless management and traceability of data, you will also enjoy greater control over the inventory you need. In this way, with the use of an electronic laboratory notebook, you know what is required at any given moment in order to make the corresponding investments. All this can be linked to the different experiments to gain clarity in the results; knowing what has gone wrong and being able to correct each error efficiently.
In short, it is a way to connect with the latest laboratory practices, now digital, as well as to learn how to manage research data intelligently. A series of functionalities that, well-used, makes students deliver their work in time and form; being always supervised by their professors.
Find the best products and stay up to date
As you can imagine, not all electronic notebooks are the same, and it is essential to know which systems are the most efficient on the digital market. As an academic institution or science teacher, we strongly encourage you to take a closer look at all the options available to you and, based on user reviews, choose the one that has proven its quality the most.
It is also essential that you always keep up to date in your own sector. Keep in mind that technology and science are two fields that are evolving at an astonishing pace. So, as a teacher, you have a dual role to play in staying on the cutting edge of education. Don’t stop training yourself in the new tools that, like these electronic notebooks, can turn your classroom routine upside down. Don’t stop researching in scientific terms either, since your students deserve the best and it is in your hands to offer it to them.
Progress is the engine that allows us to develop as a society, and you must ensure that the new generations are prepared to make the world we live in a better place. Therefore, take a look at all the virtual systems available and invest in those that already enjoy remarkable recognition within the academic system.